Salam Charity UK Appeals | Sustainability


Whether economical, societal or environmental, the pursuit of global environmental sustainability is at the forefront of Salam Charity’s work.

We are committed to creating a lasting impact on an array of communities across the world, whilst respecting their individual needs and sensitivities.

We see access to resources, training and funding as a given, however the basics required to achieve sustainability is a gruelling challenge for struggling communities in countries such as Palestine and Myanmar.

Ravaged by war, poverty and ongoing political unrest, the grassroots resources required to improve daily lives are often well out of reach.

Our aims

  • Provision of economic stability to families in Bangladesh through training and financial support of women, empowering them to become providers for their families.
  • Development of agriculture and farming to Palestinian farmers, supporting them to grow, develop and manage olive farms.
  • Eradicating hunger in Rohingya communities through provision of food packages and farm training so they can work towards sustaining themselves.
  • Workshops, training and food provided to Rohingya refugee communities in Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Myanmar and Pakistan providing lifelong skills and the ability to improve their quality of life.


  • Only 14% of plastic packaging is currently recycled.
  • 1 million plant and animal species are at risk of extinction
  • An area of the rainforest the size of 40 football pitches disappears every minute
  • 50 million tonnes of electronic waste was produced in 2020
  • Just 26.2% of global electricity needs are from renewable sources

Previous work

The key to escaping poverty lies not in hand-outs or emergency aid but in giving communities the opportunities and tools to better their lives and improve their prospects of a secure economic future.

Salam Charity has initiated livelihood projects to help the poorest achieve these aims through a variety of means such as planting over 2,000 olive trees.

Each farming family that we helped received 30-40 trees, supporting their livelihood of growing and selling olives for profit. An average mature olive tree produces 15 to 20 kilograms of olives per year.

Case Study

Palestinian farmers face several challenges in maintaining their olive trees before they are harvested.

Salam Charity Olive Tree Farming project gives farmers new skills that can lead to financial independence such as training in marketing, good governance, pricing and reporting. The cooperatives not only contribute to improving individual incomes, but also contribute to building the communities.

Salam Charity supports West Bank and Gazan farmers to improve the quantity and quality of their olive oil and reach external markets through investing profits back into infrastructure, health and education services.

Salam Charity has been working hard developing a 6-month training course to be delivered on the ground in Bangladesh. The $360 course will be provided to female-headed households, selected as being the most vulnerable with no access to other sources of income.

Upon completion of the training ladies will receive a sewing machine enabling them to continue being able to provide for and sustain their family. Your support to this project would lift a family out of extreme poverty and provide them with the resource and training to set their family up for life.

The forced displacement of Muslim Myanmar nationals triggered the Rohingya refugee crisis. Since 2017 more than 900,000 refugees have fled brutal violence to find themselves destitute in unfamiliar countries such as Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan. Those in Bangladesh have no recognised refugee status, nor any legal citizenship in Myanmar, all are struggling to survive and provide even the most basic amenities for their children and families.

Rohingyans would be given an induction workshop and training whilst providing them the equipment to start farming for themselves including seeds, chickens, chicken hutch, feed, gardening tools, water tanks, training manuals and ongoing training and support. Salam Charity has carefully developed this 12-month project so that food packs are provided monthly whilst they continue ongoing training.

Number of local people benefiting from bee keeping is growing. In Ghana, bee-keeping plays a major role in socio-economic development and environmental conservation.

It’s estimated that Ghana has about 9.2 million honeybee colonies where the production potential is about 138,000 tons of honey and 9,200 tons of beeswax per annum. However it is realising only 3.5% of that potential.

To help unlock some of that potential, Salam Charity launched a major project in 2019 in  Pangani, in the Tanga region, to help reduce poverty and empower women by giving them the tools and training to take up bee-keeping.

Rameeza Q.
to Where most needed
Oklahoma City, United States